GLOMA Straight captive pin shackles

Forged Straight Captive Pin Shackles, Stainless Steel AISI-316L

It is the same standard series brought to a high level as the Pin shackles does not fall and the entry openning is total.

Ref. Ø m.m A m.m B m.m Work load kg. Break load kg.
CG-021-04 4 8 15 450 1050
CG-021-05 5 10 17 600 1500
CG-021-06 6 12 19 1000 1800
CG-021-08 8 16 30 1700 4300
CG-021-10 10 20 33 2500 5700
CG-021-12 12 24 40 3800 8000

All Gloma products are forged in cold and hot and mechanized. They have always refused the Cast because of the problems of porosity, resistance, breaking and deformation it has. All Gloma products we distribute are produced in our company in Spain with raw material coming from European producers. Due to Gloma’s making policy we can certify the chemical composition of stainless steel Aisi-316, 17-4 Ph… Gloma’s products are also tested by the APPLUS laboratories to guarantee the break loads and the work loads. In their catalogue you can find the results of the tests that the laboratory gives them. APPLUS is the official laboratory in Spain that guarantees all the results.

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 20 × 5 × 15 cm

4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm


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